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Keto diet for new moms: Safe Keto Diet post pregnancy, for lactating and breastfeeding mothers

keto diet mom

Oh boy, have I got some thoughts on this book! It's like a breath of fresh air for all the new moms out there who are juggling motherhood and trying to get back in shape. It's packed with valuable info on how to safely do keto post pregnancy without messing up your milk supply. The detailed meal plans and recipes cater to the specific dietary needs of moms, making it easier to follow the keto diet without compromising on essential nutrients. Throughout the book, there is a strong emphasis on safety and health, promoting a mindful approach to nutrition for new moms. The guidance provided in the book empowers new moms to become the badass keto mom they aspire to be, balancing health and well-being for themselves and their little ones. May this literary offering find its way into the hands of those in need, guiding them towards a state of well-being and harmony as they embrace the challenges and joys of motherhood. #family_nutrition #health_journey #macronutrients.

This book is available here:
